Monday, April 2, 2012

April 2, 2012

Hello everyone!
How was conference for everyone? So awesome for me!  

I loved all the questions I´ve been getting; ´´Do you have cell phones?´´  ´´Did you get to watch conference, or at least listen to it by radio?´´  Ha-ha.  YES technology has hit Argentina, especially here in the city! We have cell phones, and I got to watch English! It was fun, at the stake center they had a whole room for English so all the missionaries and some members that speak English all sat together and ate lots of treats and watched! (All sessions too).  It was so awesome, I´ve been trying to decide on a favorite talk to write about but I couldn´t, a lot of them were so good! Seemed like a recurring theme I took away from it was the patterns of the gospel and patterns of God, it seemed like most talked about God having a pattern for all things. I loved it because it's just another reminder that The Gospel and the way of God doesn´t change with the constantly changing of the world, but of course Satan would be changing things and updating his ways to appeal to more people. The easy way always was Satan's way. I loved the talk on Forgiveness too. My favorite quote from the whole Conference was ´´there´s always someone to love, someone to forgive, and someone to serve´´. 

Today is the start of a new transfer, and luckily Hermana Sperry and I are still companions! Yay! We have set some achievable, but awesome goals for this transfer and were excited! I´ve realized that every day on the mission I experience heart break, laughs, interesting conversations, and extremely spiritual experiences. It's such an interesting time of life. Conference talked a lot about missionary work and how each and every member is called to it, wheather you're a missionary or not. I hope you are all praying for opportunities, and talking to those people Heavenly Father is preparing and setting in your path! 

We have a new investigator, her name is Romina and she's absolutely adorable. I don´t know why I've been so drawn to the kids on my mission but I really feel the strongest connected to them. She is 11 years old and already has been to church a few times earlier this year with other missionaries. We found her in that awesome building that looks like a haunted house (I think I told you all about that a few weeks ago).  She is so awesome the first time we talked to her she told us she wants to be President of the world to eliminate all the evil and bad things. And yesterday, her mom bailed on coming to conferences so Romina came with us and spend the whole day helping us teach other investigators in-between sessions of conference. We had her pray for the food at lunch and she prayed that there wouldn't be transfers today! How cute! Then she said she was going to call Pres Monson and tell him she would like it if he let us stay here ha-ha. I bet her prayer is what kept me and Hna Sperry together this transfer! Well anyway at the end of the day we were on the bus coming home and she asked us when she could be baptized, before we even got the chance to ask her! How awesome. We talked to her mom when we got back and she's supper supportive too. We taught her what April fools is and she went around to all the elders at conference playing little pranks on them and saying APRIL FOOLS ha-ha, she´s so awesome! I'll send pictures next week. Well I love you all so much! Have a good week!

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