Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9, 2012

Hola, Friends and family!
I know you're all expecting me to say it since I say it each time...but I CAN´T BELIEVE ANOTHER WEEK HAS PASSED! This week was interesting on the topic of what I that's not true for the whole week, just Saturday was interesting. We have lunch with the Contrerez Family each Saturday. The food always tastes good, but it's always a little sketchy...usually there is at least one bug or hair or something in it. Well anyway, I´ve gotten really good at just shoving bugs to the side and still eating (yeah I know...can you believe it? me either.) but this time I found one tiny hair and thought, ´´wow, success...the food tastes really good only one tiny hair´´ well just when I finished the thought my companion looked at me with wide eyes and pointed to the chicken she pushed to the side of her plate, I looked at it closer and realized they were CHICKEN FEET. And not only chicken feet in the shape of chicken feet, they had 3 inch white hairs on them....all throughout the pasta. We´ll I forgot about it for the day and we went on with our day. I was excited all day because we were have Family home evening with a recent convert in the ward and they wanted us to make tacos because they don't have that kind of food here. So when we got there we all went to Wal-Mart (that's the first sign the meat would be's from Wal-Mart...) to get the ingredients. Well long story short we cooked them and the meat was the grossest meat I've ever eaten in my life. We were describing it to the other Hermana´s that we live with in our apartment that are Latin and they gave us a list of gross weird body parts it probably was. Well anyway we were going to be late back to our apartment, so we had to run for about a mile. By the time I got home I felt horrible. Chicken feet, Mystery body part with tacos and running... yeah I threw up. It was probably one of the worst taco´s I've ever eaten in my whole life. Well the whole ward found out we made taco´s, and now everyone wants to do Family home evening with us. Each time I think of tacos my stomach hurts and I got nauseous...I don't know what I'm going to do this week with 3 taco nights...
Well remember Riley? He´s the one that walked up to us a few weeks ago and said ´´I'm a member and I'm inactive and I want to be active again´´ We´ll he works at this pizzeria with the best pizza and empanadas that I've tried in Argentina so far. His friend Pedro is one of our investigators and they work together at the pizzeria. Each time we go, Pedro gives us a ton of free food, so last time we told him we don't need it and we feel bad and were going to start buying it. Well come to find out, when we were telling him to assist church with a question in your mind and it will be answered Hermana Sperry gave a example of when she did that and her question was ´´how can I save money for my mission´´ (obviously this was before her mission) but he thought that was recently so he thought we had no money. He is half blind and can´t really see very well, but he said ´´No I can see you are both losing weight each day and it's because you don't have money or food, so whenever you need it just come here´´ hahaha we told him we have money and were taken care of and that we are actually gaining weight each day! Hahah were laughing so hard! They people here are so nice!
We taught Priesthood class on how to be a miembro justo (I'm not sure what it is in English... like a member that is a best friend to an investigator) and on missionary work in your personal life. It went really really well, lots of people are really excited about the missionary work now!!  I've never taught a class before so I was super proud. My public speaking fears are hardly fears anymore. So blessed! Love you all so much, keep sending your missionary experiences, I love to read them! xoxox

Hermana Marchant!

these are from after conference with romina and a less active memeber roxana and her son (the cutest little boy in the world Bruno)

that wall of toms shoes is the brand that toms makes for argentina to sell here, its called something else and they are soooooooo much cooler then toms! they are have designs. they are cheap dollars they are only about 25!

that sign is some public park with hundreds of cats because people just drop off their cats there hahah so they put up a sign asking people not to just drop them off! how funny. we met two people from oregon there and talked for a long time they didnt speak one word of spanish haha!

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