Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012

Trying to think of what to write this week was is the possible on the mission? Either I´m getting used to the craziness of the mission and not recognizing it as crazy anymore, or this week nothing super interesting happened.

Well, my birthday was awesome! We went to the Holocaust Museum and then to this famous shopping street. Everything was really expensive so we window shopped, and then finally found a store we could afford and I treated myself to a new sweater.

Speaking of sweaters...ITS SO COLD HERE. I swear it changed overnight. And everyone keeps telling me this is just the start and it gets WAYYY colder. Oh well, the more cold I am the more blessings I receive, right?!

We got a new Hermana in our apartment yesterday. Her companion was visa waiting here for her mission in Venezuela, and after 9 months of waiting she finally got it and left. So now we have the Hermana Renteria in our apartment too. Switching between us and the other hermanas as a trio. Yeah, you know what that means. 5 girls, one tiny ghetto bathroom, 6:30 am. Ha-ha but no she´s awesome and we all have a lot of fun. 

Thinking about the mission, I think one if the hardest things is that you are constantly being lied to. And no matter how bad you know/think that someone is lying to you, you have to correct yourself and have perfect faith. You have to. Your successes, baptisms, happiness, trust in others, and relationships all depend on it. Were struggling with quantity of investigators right now, but the quality is really good. We have a few really awesome ones. Pedro...the empanadas guy is on the verge of being dropped. He is so sweet and has a lot of interest but he´s not really progressing. We´ll make a decision in a day or so. We have to meet with him one more time.

I´ve decided the two best members in all of Argentina live in this ward. Hermana Curia, and Hermano Cortez. Hermana Curia is like my second mom here, she is so sweet and gave me one of her rings ´´so that I never forget her´´ for my birthday. She is so sweet (she wrote you a message on facebook dad you should check!) and Hermano Cortez is awesome. He is older, about 60 or 65ish but talks about his mission like it was yesterday! It was so cute, the other day we were at his house and his cute wife made us hot chocolate and he talked to us about his mission. He reached literally in arms length and found this folder that had all his mission things in it. It was not even hidden in some box somewhere. He remembers so much and talks about it as the best time of his life. He is so awesome. I hope I can be like that about my mission too!

Well its confusing for Christmas not to be soon with this cold weather, but were listening to Christmas music anyway, how weird its spring where you all are. Well I love you all and hope this week is amazing. You should all read 2 Nephi 33. It's a short chapter and awesome. It's pretty much all a testimony, that's why it's so powerful. Keep sending me your missionary experiences!

Hermana Marchant

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