Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16,2012

            Wow, ok can you believe I´ve been in the mission for over 5 months now? And even crazier can you believe I turn 22 next week? I can´t.
            This week ended awesome, but before last night at 8:00 pm it was the hardest week ever! We were rejected and rejected and rejected, and lost all of our investigators even the really strong ones. It was crazy how thing after thing went wrong. We tried to laugh it off, but it was really hard. Everyone (before my mission) told me that Argentina is super receptive and we were going to baptize a ton. But then I got here and I heard a few people say that the city used to be really receptive years ago.  Now it's more European than anything. It's so true, the people here think they have everything.  It's so sad! But we went through our book of old investigators from years and years ago, and made a list of everyone that has 3 asistencia (occurrences of attendance at church) or more and started contacting them. We finally, at 8:00 last night got to one door and this girl, Macarena (like the Macarena name ever) answered and within literally 1 minute she was committed to get baptized this Wednesday. It was literally like she was just waiting for us to knock her door. She said she was preparing for her baptism and then the missionaries just stopped coming to her door. How awesome!
            Besides Macarena, I think my favorite thing that happened this week was the random guy asking Hna. Sperry if she is the Virgin Mary! Ha-ha speaking of the Virgin Mary, every single person here claims to have seen her in a vision! We hear that at least 4 or 5 times a week! It's so interesting, i.e. the difference in culture. Even if you have seen something crazy in a vision in the US you don't usually talk about it but here everyone is really open.
            We had a weird experience this week! We were contacting some people in this really quite little neighborhood and we saw this Special Needs boy sitting outside his house, so we started talking to him. He couldn't really respond but he had a good sense of humor, and could respond with hand signals. So we were talking and telling him jokes when his brother came out. We started talking to him about the gospel and he invited us in to say a prayer. We had a member with us so we decided to do that. So, we go in and are just about the say the prayer when the special needs boy runs in...Come to find out he is literally almost 7 feet tall. HE WAS HUGE. And he slammed the door and started to get really mad for some reason and hitting the wall and punching the door. Hna Sperry, and the member and I all looked at each other and said VAMOS. We pretty much ran out of there. I have never been so scared in my life! News travels fast in the ward and we got a lecture from about every single ward member to be more careful!

Well thanks for the early birthday wishes, I love you all and you´re in my prayers! Keep sharing the gospel and loving life! xoxo

Hermana Marchant

Annie, Tommy, and Steven: Thanks so much for the pictures they are awesome! I brag about my cute cousins to everyone and show them all your drawings! You guys are little artists! Love you!

Sherry, No I have not gotten the package yet, ill probably get it in about a month because we only get mail about once or twice a transfer! I'll let you know when I get it! Thanks for your letters and packages. You're so thoughtful!

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