Monday, March 4, 2013

Mar 4, 2013

This week was awesome!

Carolina was baptized!!!!! And oh yeah so was Ezequias, You don’t know who that is? That’s because WE DIDNT EITHER UNTIL SATUDAY. It was kind of a HUGE miracle.

So last Sunday a member wrote us a note with the reference of a less active member who has a son that wants to be baptized. Monday came and I wanted to contact this reference, but I could not find the paper with the address number or anything for DAYS. I realized that my companion that got transferred had it in her bag and must have taken it with her. So I was trying to remember who it was that gave us the note in the first place… but couldn’t remember.

Finally Friday afternoon the REVELATION came and I remembered who the member was. So I called right away and got the phone number of the less active member. I called her and set an appointment for as soon as possible which was Saturday at 4:30 in the church building. So we went on Saturday, and it just so happened that our District Leader was on his way to the church for the baptismal interview of Carolina.  He was going to be at the church building at 5:30. 

So we met with the less active member (Erika) and her son (Ezequias) who wanted to join the church.  Erika tells me that Ezequias had already been meeting with the Elders from another area before, and had attended church a ton of times. He just needs to get baptized. So we said we have a baptism planned for ‘tomorrow’.  We told them that the Elder is on his way right now and that Ezequias can be interviewed for baptism by the Elder.  Both Erika and Ezequias teared up and said yes, lets do it.

So Carolina and cute little Esequias were both baptized! Like always, baptism days are crazy, and something always goes wrong.  This time instead of no hot water there was NO COLD WATER. The baptismal font was soooooooo hot that in the middle of sacrament meeting (right after the Sacrament), my companion, our ward mission leader, another member and I jumped up ran out and started doing anything to have cold water. We were dragging the ghetto broken dirty hose through the building into the font and also carrying buckets of cold water from other parts of the building. The baptism turned out fine and no one knew anything happened ha-ha.

When the baptism started they announced who was going to give the talk (one of Carolinas friends from church).  When it was her turn to talk we realized that she had ‘escaped’ with out telling anyone, and went home because she was so nervous! So our ward mission leader jumped up and gave an impulse talk on baptism. It was crazy, but turned out awesome!  It was a day I’ll never forget! We are extremely blessed!!!

Oh I almost forgot!!! My companion’s name is Hna. Leiva. She is from Argentina (Rosario). She lives so close that she took a bus here and it was like 2 hours. That’s like from where you guys live to North LA ha-ha. SOO CLOSE! She is the most excited person I've ever met and she is hilarious. We have been laughing soooo much! Well that’s about all. The time is passing TOOOOO fast. I love you all tons!! xoxo

Hna. Marchant

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