Monday, September 3, 2012

Sept 3, 2012

This week is the dedication of the temple. All of the missions; Buenos Aires North, West, and South get to have a fireside with Elder Eyring, Bednar and Christoferson on Friday! We got a huge long speech on how we should dress good and look clean and put together.  Ha-ha so I stared at my closet this morning for about 10 minutes looking for ´´clean good clothes´´ to wear this weekend.  Then I realized that even my ´´cleanest, cutest´´ clothes are super ghetto. Luckily its pday and we live down-town. Hopefully we can find something today to buy. I´m sure I´ll have pictures to send this next week of all the events. The fireside is Friday, the parade is Saturday, and the dedication is Sunday. It should be fun!

The chicas Melany, Sharon, and Margarita weren´t baptized this weekend because they really wanted to wait for their dad (traveling in Peru), but he said he was coming back Sunday and didn´t end up coming.  He a really bad dad from they things they have told us. It’s sad. They are so prepared, but they are scared to do anything with out his permission...and we have to have it to baptize them anyways. So we’re waiting to see what he says, if he´s even coming back from Peru, and if he´ll give them permission. It was a let down. Obviously this isn´t the first baptism that’s fallen through on my mission, but it is definitely one of the saddest and most disappointing.

On a happier note...I don´t think I wrote this story last week. If I did, oopsies! But. My companion is learning English. But the thing is, she is suppppppper scared to talk in English to anyone besides me. So in church we learned about developing your talents and I was making fun of her (half joking half not) for not developing her talent to speak English. So the next day as a half joke again when we prayed to leave the house I prayed that we would find people that speak English so she could ´´develop her talent´´ .  Well we live in Congreso. It’s a huge city for tourism. Usually we find or hear 3 or 4 people a day speaking English from England or The US. But no, this day that I prayed, we found AT LEAST 15 people that spoke English as their first language. Even when we weren’t trying to. We asked some girl that looked totally Argentine what road we were on and she starting speaking English. Everyone that passed us and asked us questions or that we asked questions ended up being from the US and England and Australia. It was super funny!

My comp started to conquer her fear and explained the plan of salvation. They didn’t want to have lessons, but my companion was so proud of her self anyways, it was super cute! So I guess that’s my message this week, do the little things to start to conquer your fears! Even if you get rejected! Ha-ha love you all xoxo

Love, Hermana Marchant!

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