Monday, October 15, 2012

Oct 15, 2012

This week was awesome! Alexandra got baptized. I don´t remember how much I have told you about her, so I´ll tell you a little bit. First of all her family is hilarious. Her parents are two hippies, and seriously hilarious. They laugh all day long and were always laughing hysterically when were there. We came this week and there was a piece of gum on the wall so i asked why and the mom started laughing so hard trying to tell the story. They live in a permanent hotel thing (I don’t know how to describe it.. its called a hotel but its like little apartments where people live) so there are a bunch of rules about what they can and can´t do. For example they cant put nails in the wall to hang pictures. Well, they have almost nothing of money but this week someone gave her a little fridge (she was so excited that day she told us like 7 times “IM NOT EXTREMLY POOR ANYMORE...I HAVE A FRIDGE NOW...WANT SOME COLD WATER?” Well her new fridge inspired her to decorate her house better. She didn´t like the rule of not being able to hang pictures so she decided to do it anyways. She got up on a chair to put the nail in the wall and instantly water started pouring out of the wall! Her and Cesar (the dad of Alex) were laughing so hard putting any and everything in the wall trying to stop the water. They said they tried tape, plastic, soap everything and then finally after composing them selves from laughing they put a piece of gum in it and it worked! hahah. Well each time were there at their house they have a new story. Yesterday we went and Estér (the mom) was organizing a bunch of stuff in a trash bag frantically so we asked what happened and she said that she was sitting in her house talking to Alex about her baptism when they heard someone pounding on the door super super strong. She ran to answer the door and it was 5 police men yelling. They told her someone is throwing things off the balcony and two people had to go to the hospital. Right when they told her this she ran upstairs to check on her 3 year old son(Joaquin) and sure enough he was standing on the balcony with and big trash bag full of shoes and toys throwing them off the balcony. The police came in the house with out permission and said WHO IS IT, Estér said ¨my son, I’m so sorry´´ and the police men thinking it was some dumb teenager said ´´WHERE IS HE WHERE IS HE´´ Estér super embarrassed pointed to her little 3 year old son and said Right here. and all 5 of the police men started laughing hysterically. Joaquin started crying saying “I’m sorry, don’t take me to jail, I wont do it again, I’m sorry I’m sorry´´ hahah they had to sign a paper saying they wont do it again and Estér had to clean up all the things from the street. There was a crowd of people and they kept asking ´´who is the mom if him why would she let him do that´´ and she kept saying ´´yeah, I have no idea. No, I’m not the mom. She’s a little crazy. she lives next door´´ hahah Well anyway they want to get baptized so bad (the parents) but they aren´t married, they want to get married, but he has to get divorced first and its like super hard here. So anyway, Alex got baptized and it was awesome. A ton of members came to support her and yeah. It was a good week! I´m loving the mission, Argentina, my comp, my area, my district...everything is good! Love you all!

Hermana Marchant

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