Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 18, 2011

Hello! This week was so good! You guys don´t understand how much I love it here! Some days are easier than others, but over all I know I am apposed to be here and I LOVE IT.

So my companion Sister Kappa ended up moving up to intermediate Spanish, and I am now in a trio with Sister Hobbs and Sister Carson. It's different, but still good. Trios are hard to make sure everyone feels included especially because Sister Hobbs and I have a lot more in common than Sister Carson and I. But it's still good and I LOVE both of them. We all have so much fun together! The day sister kappa moved we both cried like 4 times! It´s so crazy how close you can become to someone when the Spirit is involved. We promised we would be friends after our missions and we are both going to Buenos Aires North, so maybe we will be companions in the field!!

Aunt Sherry wrote me the nicest letter this week and shared a scripture that I ABSOLUTLY loved. It was D&C 115 5. Make sure to read the footnotes if you guys look it up. Thanks Sherry!! I shared it with my whole zone, and everyone loved it!

In my district and zone, the 3 of us are the only sisters. All the rest are Elders. They are absolutely hilarious. Every day of the week they have a theme. Such as Tall Tie Tuesday. That's where they make their ties as long as possible (until they get in trouble and change it); Comb over Wednesday (self explanatory); No English Thursday; Sweater and glasses Saturday. Definitely 19 year olds! Ha-ha but hilarious. When we're in testimony meeting or personal study time their spirits are so strong it's awesome. I don't know if I could have done what they are doing at 19 years old. They all have so much potential. We're our own supportive little family here, I love it!

At devotional on Tuesday Brother Tad Calister of the second quorum of the 70 spoke, and he was telling us that this year and last year the average missionaries in the field was 52,000 and because of seminary graduates and members of the church and a bunch of other statistics they were expecting around 45,000...but guess how many they have already with papers in? --- 56,000!!!! How awesome!

We get to go to the temple today for the first time! I can´t wait! It will be nice to be able to have a little break after going for a week! The first week, every one kept saying just make it to Sunday. After Sunday it gets tons better, and they were totally right! It was great and awesome before Sunday, but after Sunday I knew that I CAN DO IT. I doubted myself before that. I am learning so much every day and feeling the Spirit stronger than I ever have before!

I got our ´´investigator´´ to commit to baptism. Even though it's a fake investigator we were so excited! One of our teachers Hermano Parker is the best teacher in the world he asks us questions like ´´if Christ was in that room teaching the investigator how would he teach?´´. After thinking about it we decided that even though we can´t speak Spanish, the Spirit can still be there and he can know that the truth is the feeling, not the words we're attempting to say. So we keep in simple and apply the message to his needs only. Such an awesome lesson I learned for myself. I know that in time the Spanish will come and right now I need to focus on relying on the spirit to teach in a way that my investigators will understand. I studied a lot about the Apostasy and Joseph Smith this week it was awesome I learned so much.

I'm almost out of time so really quick. My testimony is stronger than ever, if anyone reading this is thinking about a mission - just do it! It's so awesome!! In just a week I've made lifelong friends, I've developed a testimony in a way I never even imagined before, and I know that this is right. I love you all and I'm doing great so don't worry about me! Write me!!

Mom how did your single ladies party go

Dad your letter was exactly what I needed that day. It was the day Sister Kapp moved and I was having a hard time. Thank you so much

Natalie Steve James and Halie. Thanks for your letter! I loved it! You guys are so awesome and supportive. I miss you all too! How's everything going?

Lizzie and Aunt Sherry your letters were so awesome. Really, they made my day. I'll reply and send it today. Lizzie your package was AWESOME. I ate some of the candy and played a Spanish game with the elders and gave it away as prizes too! They said to tell you THANKS AND KEEP IT COMING hahaha.

I love you all,

Sister Abby Marchant.

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