Monday, January 30, 2012


Can you guys believe it? Another week has come and gone. Well luckily for us, no horrible disasters like running out of water or anything of that sorts happened this week, BUT all of our investigators with baptism dates got canceled or moved back. And the rest of our progressing investigators are not progressing anymore. Lame. But it's ok were staying positive and trying to work hard! 

We had the cutest little girl Jesi with a date of this past Saturday, but she wanted her dad to baptize her...understandable, but he had been less active for years so he had to have a interview with the Bishop and he has to wait a few months now to be worthy. So were not sure what were going to do. We asked their family to pray about it and decided if they are going to wait for the 3 months or have someone else do it, but she got really emotional about it and really really really wants her dad to. So we will find out tonight what they decided. She is the cutest ever though. She acts so much older than 9 years old. We were teaching her the other day and Hna. Gillum asked her parents what they wanted for Jesi and how they feel about her and they said the usual "Í love her and want whets best for her and want what makes her happy" and she started crying.  So Hna Gillum asked how she felt about her parents and she was crying talking about how much she loves them, but she is kind of timid and shy so she would just say a few words, but you can tell she is very spiritual. It's cute. She kept forgetting to pray at night so I made her a Prayer Rock out of this random cool piece of tile I found one of my first days here. It´s a really cool pink color and a really cool shape. I found it just in the road somewhere, and had it on my desk, and when she said she couldn't remember to pray I told her I have a present and I'll bring it next time. I had these silver sparkly stickers that Lizzie sent to me in the MTC so I put Orar (pray) on it. She loved it! I have pictures ill send either this week or next.

Ok and then our second investigator Nacho he is about 24 years old. He was extremely excited because he got his answer about the BOM and couldn't wait to join and wanted to serve a mission and we thought he was golden.  He told us he had 2 dreams of him teaching the youth of this church in the future and all this stuff, and then the next time we meet with him he's saying "my pastor told me I need to wait, I don't know if I want to do this. I need time" etc.   Then there was drama because he only wanted to be taught by the sister missionaries but he lives in the Elder's area.  So were not sure what's happening with him anymore. Regardless though our leaders said we can teach him at the church but since he lives in the Elders area when he gets baptized it will go to the that's all that matters anyway, salvation..Not numbers.

And our third investigator with a date, Emiliano. He is living with a member of the church and in order to get baptized they have to be married and in order for her to repent they also need to be married.  So we had a date for the wedding and then baptism, but now they are not coming to church and not answering out calls. So it's kind of a bummer, but now were working hard with the few investigators we have.  Other than that we're asking for references and street contacting as much as possible. Our whole district and zone´s number were down this week so were working together to get them back up!! I´m sure this week will be more successful!

I've decided that as a kid growing up in Argentina would be the best ever. All day everyday you get to be dirty. That's like a  child's dream. They just play in the dirt outside all day long.  I feel like I'm constantly thinking ´´where are the parents?´´ and ´´shouldn't you be in bed?´´ ha-ha.  W then when they are old enough they all play barefoot soccer for hours. The other day we were walking home and all the sudden, 10 little kids from age 4 to age 9 run up to us and they are like ¨WHERE ARE YOU FROM´´ we said the United States and they all started screaming at once and one of them goes "DO YOU KNOW JUSTIN BIEBER?" ha-ha.  We laughed and said yes and then they started yelling all these people WHAT ABOUT MILEY CYRUS, ZAC EFRON etc. we said yes yes yes and then they said,  dead serious, not one bit of kidding CAN I COME LIVE WITH YOU?   We told them we were kidding and we don't know all those people and the still wanted to live with us. Instead of hugs here everyone kisses on the cheek so they all kissed us on the cheek and ran back to their soccer game. They are so cute. Argentine kids win for cutest looking. My bike broke AGAIN the other day and one of those little boys ran up and stopped me and said LET ME HELP.  Then did something crazy and fast and fixed my bike in less than 30 seconds wiped his hands on his shirt kissed my cheek and ran away. Ha-ha I love the kids here! The whole time I was thinking "were in the middle of nowhere...where are your parents?". Well Thanks everyone for your prayers and love and support! I miss you all! Have an awesome week! Xoxo

Hermana Marchant

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