Sunday, March 13, 2011

Vegas, baby!

The one and only picture I got of the city....Man, why do I love the trashiest place on earth so much!? 

So what I thought was going to be a normal (still interesting) but normal weekend in the oh-so-fabulous city of Santa Monica turned out to be WAY more interesting than planned! I  had requested the weekend off of work for a prior commitment which ended up falling through. So there I am on Thursday night, and I got to thinking "woah, Abby! You have the weekend off...thats not a common that your a grown up and all.. You gotta take advantage of this!!" So I threw some clothes (not enough...I ran out) in a bag and drove to Vegas. I got there at 3am and my good friend Jamie Hickey & friends were there to greet me! There was the big basketball tournament this weekend and BYU was playing New Mexico (and we won..go Jimmer) and then the next day BYU played San Diego State (we lost..booo). I don't think "Sin City" has ever seen so many Mormons in its whole existence (well besides the fact that I heard Mormons actually settled and started Vegas...) so let's just say in it's modern/recent existence. Despite the fact that we lost that game AND there wasn't any time to lay out at the pool, the trip was super fun and action packed! OH YEAH, DID I MENTION I WON $300?? Oh, I didn't? Well that's because I didn't win $300. But I did win 20 one night so the next night I put down that lucky 20 and was up 80, but then lost it all....I broke even between both nights, which is o.k. with me :) Over all it was a successful trip and I'm glad I was able to catch up old friends and family (oh yes, I almost forgot to tell you. I met up with my brother Alex and his super fun friends one night too!) 

Highlight of the Trip: How unbelievably awesome our seats were at the game!!
 Yep, thats my man......I wish!

Let down of the trip: Way to many little kids crying after our tough loss to SDSU...and the homeless guy with the cutest saddest looking puppy. 

see ya next time ya!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous! i wish i could've been there... maybe next time :-)
